Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Research on UbD

Review the research on Understanding by Design (Parker).  

The concepts here are pretty straightforward and seem to be very sensible.  However, very few teachers actually use the process.  

Tell us why you think UbD is not pervasively used by teachers?


  1. To organize, it is too time consuming. Teachers are already pressed for time as it is; one of the primary focuses of the district and state is passing test because this is how they are funded.

  2. I think most teachers are to worried about the goal and objectives. Teachers are more concerned about end of the year test and what they have to teach to get students ready. I do not think most teachers would have time to use the content, curriculum and activities first.

  3. The process of thinking from the end result first can be uncomfortable for some. We have been taught most of our lives that we learn through goals and objectives which is the social norm of education.

  4. Well I think that the main reason teachers do not use this method is that it would take a little more planning on their part to be successful. Having a set order of objectives is easier to follow and teachers can build from that. As a teacher I think I would rather teacher using the objectives list so that I can be sure I am teaching the students exactly what they need to know.

  5. This seems like unless this way of organizing came easily to you, it would be difficult to implement. With so many teachers juggling so many things, perhaps this is the reason they don't use this method.

  6. From what I understand of this method is that it is "backwards" planning. I'm not sure that it would be too difficult to implement. After I read a little about it made me think of it as a road map because your teaching with a goal in mind, an end result. I also think that if we set goals and teach by them hopefully we will achieve success with students when it comes to testing. I also realize that it may too time consuming as some have stated.
