Tuesday, April 16, 2013


If you were guaranteed of having THREE prayers granted, no questions asked, what three things would you pray for?


  1. 1 - have a happy and healthy family
    2 - become a world traveller
    3 - wish to speak to my grandparents one more time
    bonus wish!!! to win the lottery

    1. #3 reminds me of a country song: "One More Day" by Diamond Rio (some great lines)

  2. 1- my family would develop a relationship with God.
    2- That my uncle would get healed of cancer.
    3- That my sister would have a great marriage.

  3. They would be that every person on Earth would have the chance to hear God's word, that the world would know peace and that my family will be healthy and happy.

  4. 1) To be completely done with my education and able to move closer to my sister. Just got back from visiting her in KC and I'm pretty sure I left my entire heart there with her.

    2) To be able to find a job where I am able to fully live out God's best for me in service to others.

    3) To be able to travel the world.

    (Also, like Mandy, win the lottery.) ;)

  5. The Lottery? It wouldn't be enough, you know.

  6. I would wish for absolute peace. No more sin and for Jesus to return quickly.

  7. My wish would be for my grand-daughters to have a great life.
    My kids to have a good happy life with their kids.
    To have peace in our world.
