Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Research on Mind Mapping

Review the research on Mind Mapping (Peterson).  

How might you use the concept of mind mapping to help you in the process of designing the five lessons in your content area which you will be preparing for this class within the next few weeks?


  1. I'm going to be honest. I don't like mind maps. I feel it is too chaotic for me; too much going on in a little space. However, it is a good tool for brainstorming. I would use it to brainstorm what methods to use with a certain concept. For example, what activities I could do for that certain lesson or what concepts I need to cover.

  2. I would use them when planning my lessons. It would help me have everything organized and to see what goes with what. I would also use mind mapping in my lesson plans because it helps students to be organized and to see connections between different concepts.

  3. Mind-mapping is a really good study tool. It would be good for me to take a look at the TEKS and pick a topic, and then mind map some ideas and see what associations I can draw and where the lesson leads me. It's really good for coming up with lots of options, so I might could incorporate several different things that I otherwise wouldn't think of if I was just sitting and trying to brainstorm.

  4. I think this is a great tool that can be used along with UbD. Having the main topic in the center of the prepping and then branching out from there will help ensure that a lot of content doesn't go missing. It may also be helpful in cross curricular activities to help bring activities and lessons together with the core of the lesson always in the center of the planning.

  5. Using a mind map, I could put the topic at the center and then branch off and list each of the main points on the branches that I want to cover. It would help me to stay on schedule and make it easier for my students to follow.

  6. I've seen my wife bring home notebooks that the students where implemented mind maps. I wish we would have had this learning when I was a kid because I was very artistic. I think when kids have visuals they are better able to connect new and old vocabulary. What I've been most impressed with is the use of mind maps for science, especially the comprehension that students display through connecting words to art such as non-renewable and renewable resources. I've seen how elaborate most of the students are and I thinks its because of how technologically savvy kids are today.
