Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Ed Psych Chapter 13

With your learning from Chapter 13 in mind, identify 8-10 concrete things you can/will do that will ensure a learning environment in your classroom that is conducive to high levels of learning, across student groups. 


  1. 1) positive productive classroom environment
    2) withitness (love this one)
    3) stop problems quickly
    4) overlapping & group focus
    5) empathetic listening
    6) culturally responsive management
    7) effective managers
    8) action zones

    1. What does withitness mean? (to you?)

    2. The text says to have eyes in the back of your head, but I think it should be one step further in knowing both the classroom environment and the outside environment.

  2. 1) Set rules clearly.
    2) Set learning goals clearly.
    3) Teacher prepare for class making sure materials and other items like media are available.
    4) Follow through with disciple issues.
    5) Teacher do grading on a timely manner. Get back with feedback.
    6) Make student responsible for materials that are needed in class.
    7) Set a routine for the classroom. Teacher set routine for herself.
    8)Make sure classroom is properly arranged for the lessons given.

  3. No, I meant discipline issues.. I notice that too.
    Making sure we are follow through with the consequences; filing report, and calling parents.

    1. Thought maybe you were seeking Divine help in the craft of teaching (which is a VERY common petition).

    2. Yes, I need a lot of that especially last 2 wks.

  4. 1) Have clearly delineated expectations for student behavior and output established from the beginning of the school year.
    2) Follow those rules throughout the year, equally towards every student.
    3) Address any deviations from the expectations as immediately as possible and provide a plan for correction. Establish that I am there to see the student succeed. Period.
    4) Make myself available outside of school hours to assist students who are struggling.
    5) Try to have as much student centered dialog in class as possible.
    6) Have a versatile class set up - set up desks according to the day's activity. (Group work = pods; teacher-centered instruction = rows facing inward)
    7)Have a daily routine regardless of the activity (bell ringer activity - or invocation - to get class started with, or take time to summarize or deliver important information at the end of every class)
    8) Have clearly outlined expectations for myself that I deliver to the class at the beginning of the school year. No gray areas - I should be able to deliver to the students what I promise, and what they deserve: a quality education in a safe and friendly environment.
    9) Great every student by name as they walk through the door as often as possible.

  5. 1.Have a classroom management plan.
    2.Make sure that the students will stay on task while learning.
    3.Help students to learn to have self-management so that they will not interrupt learning.
    4.Have students know the routine of the class and what the rules of the class are.
    5.Have students do jobs so they can move around a little during the day.
    6.Be very organized.
    7.Make sure that I am building positive relationships with my students.
    8.Have an open communication between myself and my students.

  6. Some of the things I can do to ensure high levels of learning are:
    1. Creating a set participation structure and communicate that to my students.
    2. I need to allocate my time and the students time appropriately for learning tasks by equally going between engaged time and academic learning time.
    3. Encourage self-management of my students.
    4. Arrange my classroom appropriately so that the most learning will be possible.
    5. I need to be sure and allow my students short breaks throughout the day to stand up and move around which will regain their attention and help wake them up.
    6. Allow for as much group work as possible.
    7. I need to stop problems with students quickly and appropriately.
    8. Maintain communication between myself, the parent, and the student.
    9. Try to be empathetic when a student comes to me with a problem. This may help them deal with an issue they are having that is preventing them from learning.
    10. Direct students to other professionals who can help them if all of my efforts are ineffective.

  7. Hmmm... Good thing I didn't give you all a list to memorize. Answers vary a good bit. Wondering which one(s) of you are "right."

  8. Is it really being about who is right or what is most effective?

  9. 1. planning activities
    2. having materials ready
    3. making appropriate behavioral and academic demands on students
    4. giving clear signals
    5. accomplishing transitions smoothly
    6. foreseeing problems and stopping them before they start
    7. selecting and sequencing activities so that flow and interest are maintained.
