Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Research on Curriculum Mapping

Review the research on Curriculum Mapping (Meza).  

Tell us (in three sentences or less) how you would simply explain the concept of curriculum mapping to a parent, in a way that would make sense to them.


  1. I would tell a parent that the curriculum map gives us an outline or a list of items that a teacher is going over with his/her students by certain dates during the school year. Also, this list will help them( the parents) know what student should know in case they change school among the district.

  2. Curriculum mapping is a map off what the student will be learning during the school year. It will help the students to know what they will be learning and there will be no guess work. Curriculum mapping is presentation of topics, goals and assessments that will be used during the school year.

  3. This is an outline that maps out the curriculum so that the teacher, student, and parent can keep track throughout the term. It essentially a tool that we can use to collaborate on to monitor the students academic development.

  4. A curriculum map is a chart set up that shows teachers what to teach in certain parts of the school year. One map is created for the entire school district so that if a child changes schools then they can pick up right where they left off. This also helps you as their parent in knowing what your child is learning and when so that it will make it easier for you to help them with their studies.

  5. Thankfully, a curriculum map is just as it sounds: the organized game plan of what content will be delivered to the students at what time. This allows for the teachers to get organized, and ensures that anybody who moves within the scope of this plan should be receiving the same material at the same general time.

  6. I would tell parents that curriculum maps lead teachers to ask and answer the thought provoking questions. I would also explain that this helps improve instruction and create successful learners.
