Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Research on Critical Thinking

Review the research on Critical Thinking (Worley).  

Now that Anna has exposed you to the fundamentals of critical thinking, identify three ways in which you believe nc has been leveraging this concept in the deployment of tonight’s class.


  1. NC has used critical thinking by being open-minded to all of our opinion's about the topic's we discussed tonight.
    NC also used critical thinking by making us think about all we have learned and to think about it deeply and critical.
    NC used critical thinking by making this class an open discussion.

  2. 1) Every time we made a list of things like in chapter 13. I had to see myself in the classroom and organize my class how I wanted it to be.
    2) The blog itself. As I read other people blogs, I get ideas or clarification on thoughts and it stimulates more thoughts and questions.

    3)Reading other people presentation and giving an interpretation of what we perceived when we answer the prompts like this one.

  3. I would say most of the prompts force me to think critically in some form or fashion. Asking us questions that don't have any one clear or "right" answer forces us to think critically. Asking, "Why do you think more teachers don't do...How can you try to encourage..." forces us to evaluate the topic or educational theory and try to figure out how best we can deploy what we've learned, or broaden our horizons and branch out.

  4. NC has leveraged critical thinking by asking questions for each topic covered in class. Students are to look at different sources and think about their responses. Students then respond with well thought out answers.

  5. Having me give my own definition of withitness.

    SM views on education and the process he uses to get his students to think and learn was a great inspiration. Also, having us link it back to the essential questions.

    Curriculum mapping and having us visualize talking to parents and how we would handle the situation.

  6. NC has tapped into my prior knowledge which is a technique we as educators should realize is important for all students even college students. Its making me realize that I was already familiar with these topics I just didn't know how to identify them.
