Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Looking Ahead...

Make sure you read your assignments carefully for this week. 

There’s a field trip involved.

See you next Tuesday, F2F.

Good night!

Research on Critical Thinking

Review the research on Critical Thinking (Worley).  

Now that Anna has exposed you to the fundamentals of critical thinking, identify three ways in which you believe nc has been leveraging this concept in the deployment of tonight’s class.

Research on Mind Mapping

Review the research on Mind Mapping (Peterson).  

How might you use the concept of mind mapping to help you in the process of designing the five lessons in your content area which you will be preparing for this class within the next few weeks?

Research on Essential Questions

Review the research on Essential Questions (Mendez).  

How do you see or not see the underlying use of essential questions in the learning tasks designed by Sugara Mitra?

Research on PBL

Review the research on Project-Based Learning (Franklin).  

If you were to decide to incorporate the use of PBL in your classroom, tell us 3-5 things that you would implement in its deployment to help ensure the success of students in the process. 

Research on UbD

Review the research on Understanding by Design (Parker).  

The concepts here are pretty straightforward and seem to be very sensible.  However, very few teachers actually use the process.  

Tell us why you think UbD is not pervasively used by teachers?